IMBA Superlative Celebration Video

The UBC IMBA program is a 20-month journey that typically has the students fly from Shanghai to Vancouver for an intensive 2-week course filled, not only with classes, but also with team building events as well. Because of the pivot to online, I was responsible for developing innovative ways to recognize and celebrate the students' learnings & time together through a virtual platform. Thus, I collected votes from the cohort via a Qualtrics survey & created this video using Adobe Premiere Pro.

Escape Room (Survey)

As an Executive Assistant for UBC Sauder Robert H. Lee Graduate School, I utilized my advanced Qualtrics skills to design an "escape room" for the incoming cohorts across the 5 graduate programs at the school. I was responsible for gamifying a previously workshop-based session regarding Academic Integrity. This escape room was completed by students during their Opening Weekend orientation.

GenOne Conference Booklet

I was commissioned to design the conference booklet for the First Generation Students' Union GenOne Conference. Utilizing InDesign, I completed the booklet in 1.5 months. This timeline includes the initial consultation meeting until the final booklet completion.

SPSP Conference Presenter

Having completed my 4th-year's honours thesis on "Examining the Effects of Allyship in Male-Dominated Workplaces," I presented my findings in a poster presentation at the 2021 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference.

Residence Programming (2019-2020)

As a senior residence advisor, I was responsible for running 8 events for my community (of 34 first-year residents) per term. Event themes would vary in focus from social to educational, ultimately with the goal of building community by providing a welcoming space for students to connect. My responsibilities included ideating program goals, budget-planning, marketing event details, implementing setup and take-down, and documenting event evaluations.

4th Year Honours Thesis and Presentation

As a student in the Honours Psychology Program, I completed my second 6000+ word research paper which examined the possible effects of allyship in male-dominated workplaces.

Chaired the 2020 Student Leadership Conference

As the Chair for the Student Leadership Conference, I MC'd the Opening Ceremony at the Chan Centre for Performing Arts, welcoming approximately 1000 delegates to the conference. I was also responsible for utilizing Adobe Premiere to create the Closing Video presented at the end of the day.

Typology Project

Utilizing Adobe Premiere, students were asked to compile a typology of videos.

Levitation Photography

This triptych was created utilizing Adobe Photoshop to fulfill the requirements of my class' "Digital Removal Project." Students were asked to create a series of images using one consistent strategy to remove a part or sections of photographs.

SLC Sponsorship Package 2020

As the Chair for the 2020 Student Leadership Conference, I was responsible for sourcing and obtaining sponsorship. Through the use of Adobe InDesign, I was able to create the following package that was delivered to over 30 organizations. Additionally, I was responsible for outreach through email, phone and in-person meetings to help secure funding for the conference.

Video Montage

Purely out of the intrinsic desire to learn how to use Adobe Premiere, I decided to teach myself the basic skills of Premiere by using footage from a trip to Los Angeles to create a video montage.

Excel Inventory

As the Event and Donor Relations Specialist for UBC Sauder School of Business, I utilized Miscrosoft Excel to design a sustainable inventory tracking system. The form was designed using conditional formulas to determine updated numbers to decrease the frequency in which individuals need to manually count the number of items.

UBC Sauder Impact Night Save-the-Date

As the Event and Donor Relations Specialist for UBC Sauder School of Business, I utilized Adobe InDesign to create a Save-the-Date postcard. The final product was approved by the Marketing and Communications division and was distributed to over 400+ major donors that support the school.

3rd Year Honours Thesis and Poster

As a student in the Honours Psychology Program, I utilized Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to complete a 6000+ word research paper. Building off my paper, I presented a poster at the 21st Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC).

MoveUBC Bulletin

During the month of February, MoveUBC is a university-wide campaign to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behavior amongst students. As a residence advisor, I created an informative bulletin board to encourage residents to learn more about the campaign, its goals and the benefits of exercise.

OC Gala 2018

Designed and delivered a formal dinner and charity event for over 200+ first-year residents. The event included a sit-down, family-style dinner, photo-booths, live-music, and a live-auction which raised $600+ for the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Systematic Literature Review Presentation

As part of the requirements of the honours seminar, students needed to give a 10-minute presentation either outlining their research or teaching the class about a topic related to psychology. As part of my volunteer involvement in the Health and Coping Studies Lab, I had previously worked on a Systematic Literature Review and thus presented on the steps I took and also how to utilize citation management programs.

UBC Resource Package (2018-2019)

As a Residence Advisor, I provide support to first-year students in their transition to University. I acted as a reference or pivot point for many individuals seeking help in all areas of their lives (e.g., academic, social, health and wellness). With the abundance of resources available on campus, I create a package to help introduce some of the key ones to residents when they first arrived. It was also meant to be referred to throughout the year if needed.

Graphic Designs for Volunteer Grandparents

As the Special Events Project Coordinator for Volunteer Grandparents, I was responsible for designing promotional materials, stewardship pieces and meeting all graphic design needs. I utilized a combination of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Canva to create a variety of products that include but are not limited to: window clings, banners, certifications, invitation packages, social media posts, cake designs and more