Residence Programming (2019-2020)

As a senior residence advisor, I was responsible for running 8 events for my community (of 34 first-year residents) per term. Event themes would vary in focus from social to educational, ultimately with the goal of building community by providing a welcoming space for students to connect. My responsibilities included ideating program goals, budget-planning, marketing event details, implementing setup and take-down, and documenting event evaluations.

4th Year Honours Thesis and Presentation

As a student in the Honours Psychology Program, I completed my second 6000+ word research paper which examined the possible effects of allyship in male-dominated workplaces.

Excel Inventory

As the Event and Donor Relations Specialist for UBC Sauder School of Business, I utilized Miscrosoft Excel to design a sustainable inventory tracking system. The form was designed using conditional formulas to determine updated numbers to decrease the frequency in which individuals need to manually count the number of items.

3rd Year Honours Thesis and Poster

As a student in the Honours Psychology Program, I utilized Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to complete a 6000+ word research paper. Building off my paper, I presented a poster at the 21st Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC).

Systematic Literature Review Presentation

As part of the requirements of the honours seminar, students needed to give a 10-minute presentation either outlining their research or teaching the class about a topic related to psychology. As part of my volunteer involvement in the Health and Coping Studies Lab, I had previously worked on a Systematic Literature Review and thus presented on the steps I took and also how to utilize citation management programs.