SPSP Conference Presenter

Having completed my 4th-year's honours thesis on "Examining the Effects of Allyship in Male-Dominated Workplaces," I presented my findings in a poster presentation at the 2021 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference.

4th Year Honours Thesis and Presentation

As a student in the Honours Psychology Program, I completed my second 6000+ word research paper which examined the possible effects of allyship in male-dominated workplaces.

Chaired the 2020 Student Leadership Conference

As the Chair for the Student Leadership Conference, I MC'd the Opening Ceremony at the Chan Centre for Performing Arts, welcoming approximately 1000 delegates to the conference. I was also responsible for utilizing Adobe Premiere to create the Closing Video presented at the end of the day.

3rd Year Honours Thesis and Poster

As a student in the Honours Psychology Program, I utilized Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to complete a 6000+ word research paper. Building off my paper, I presented a poster at the 21st Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC).

Systematic Literature Review Presentation

As part of the requirements of the honours seminar, students needed to give a 10-minute presentation either outlining their research or teaching the class about a topic related to psychology. As part of my volunteer involvement in the Health and Coping Studies Lab, I had previously worked on a Systematic Literature Review and thus presented on the steps I took and also how to utilize citation management programs.