Academic Concessions

Academic concessions are adjustments made to accommodate students facing unforeseen challenges, such as illness or personal emergencies, that impact their ability to meet academic requirements. I supported this process by assisting in decision-making, advising students on concession requests, and contributing to the redesign of the submission form.

Escape Room (Survey)

As an Executive Assistant at UBC Sauder’s Robert H. Lee Graduate School, I leveraged my advanced Qualtrics skills to design a gamified "escape room" for incoming cohorts across five graduate programs. I transformed a traditional workshop on Academic Integrity into an engaging, interactive experience, which was completed by students during their Opening Weekend orientation.

OC Gala 2018

I designed and organized a formal dinner and charity event for over 200 first-year residents. The event featured a sit-down, family-style dinner, photo booths, live music, and a live auction, raising over $600 for the Canadian Mental Health Association.