Residence Programming (2019-2020)

As a senior residence advisor, I was responsible for running 8 events for my community (of 34 first-year residents) per term. Event themes would vary in focus from social to educational, ultimately with the goal of building community by providing a welcoming space for students to connect. My responsibilities included ideating program goals, budget-planning, marketing event details, implementing setup and take-down, and documenting event evaluations.

4th Year Honours Thesis and Presentation

As a student in the Honours Psychology Program, I completed my second 6000+ word research paper which examined the possible effects of allyship in male-dominated workplaces.

SLC Sponsorship Package 2020

As the Chair for the 2020 Student Leadership Conference, I was responsible for sourcing and obtaining sponsorship. Through the use of Adobe InDesign, I was able to create the following package that was delivered to over 30 organizations. Additionally, I was responsible for outreach through email, phone and in-person meetings to help secure funding for the conference.

3rd Year Honours Thesis and Poster

As a student in the Honours Psychology Program, I utilized Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to complete a 6000+ word research paper. Building off my paper, I presented a poster at the 21st Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC).

UBC Resource Package (2018-2019)

As a Residence Advisor, I provide support to first-year students in their transition to University. I acted as a reference or pivot point for many individuals seeking help in all areas of their lives (e.g., academic, social, health and wellness). With the abundance of resources available on campus, I create a package to help introduce some of the key ones to residents when they first arrived. It was also meant to be referred to throughout the year if needed.