Chaired the 2020 Student Leadership Conference

As the Chair for the Student Leadership Conference, I MC'd the Opening Ceremony at the Chan Centre for Performing Arts, welcoming approximately 1000 delegates to the conference. I was also responsible for utilizing Adobe Premiere to create the Closing Video presented at the end of the day.

In addition to hosting the Opening Ceremony, I was responsible for presenting SLC Awards at our Awards Lunch hosted at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre. I also wrote the script, filmed, and edited our closing video (using Adobe Premiere) which was presented to all delegates at the end of the conference.

To learn more about the Student Leadership Conference, click here.


Closing Video

Speaking to approximately 1,000 delegates in the Chan Centre of Performing Arts.

Left: Presenting the SLC Awards at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre.

Right: Facilitating World Café-style discussions during our Closing Reception.

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Learning Significance

  1. Through this experience, I was able to demonstrate my competency in memorizing and delivering an engaging speech to an audience including both staff, faculty, and students internal and external to UBC. I feel more confident in my public speaking abilities after completing these speeches.